100 days of Health - 2021
Starting today, and for the next one hundred days, I’ll be actively progressing toward my physical health. My partner and I did something similar in the Summer of 2019, and while 2020 didn’t go as any of us had planned, now we’re back on track for a healthy 2021.
In part because of the last year or so, I now weigh more than ever before, and my waist is at its biggest circumference of my life. This is not to say that I look unhealthy. Most people probably wouldn’t notice. But I notice, and don’t like it. Bottom line, it’s unhealthy and it stops here.
So for the next 100 days, I will make have one dedicated improvement or initiative every day. Here are the kind of things that I’ll count (and log):
- targeted optimization to daily routine (allowed once per week)
- make or attend health appointment
- achieve pre-set target milestone
For example, today is day one of my new exercise regimen, and in the next week I’m seeing a dentist, an orthodontist, and getting a COVID inoculation. When I can do ten pull-ups without injury (instead of my current five), that will be a milestone day because I’ll have doubled my baseline. Reducing the girth of my belly by 5% will be another milestone, with 10% being the ultimate goal within the next 100 days. Challenging stuff, sure…but definitely doable. As long as I don’t hurt myself in the process, that’s why this is my first and most important of ten goals.
100-day goals include:
- Actively avoid all injuries that could compromise my progress (stay within margin of safety)
- Double upper & lower body strength (first reps, then endurance or load)
- Decrease waist circumference by 10% (to 30.5 inches)
- Restore flexibility to full range of motion (personal Tai Chi standard)
- Restore vocal strength & dexterity (personal One Mouth Band standard)
- Build/reinforce default habits of health & strength (diet, exercise, hygiene, etc.)
- Perform minimum daily activities in 100-day streak without exception
- Perform/schedule all regular & elective “someday” body maintenance appointments
- Build out infrastructure for physical health (HSA/budget, garden, etc.)
- Rigorously eliminate “slippery slope” activities
For that last one, experience tells me that there are a few common things that tend to cause derailments. As such, they are not allowed — unless documented at least 7 days in advance as a special exception.
- alcohol or non-prescription drugs (exemption for allergy medicine)
- spending 12+ hours in front of a computer on a single day
- eating anything after 9pm local time
- sleeping less than 6hrs
- redefining the scope of this project
My daily minimum activities (usually I’ll do more than this, but for the next 100 days I won’t do any less) include: 8 essential exercises (Tai Chi), 15min upper/lower body workout (Daily Burn, Body for Life, etc), walking 2-miles (one lap around lake counts), and keeping to “a healthy and focused diet”. Typically, I keep to a pretty healthy vegan diet, but for this 100-days of more intensive muscle-building, I have reason to believe my body do better including at least seafood and eggs as well. I’ll likely do some fasting and a round or two of keto, depending on how this all goes and how I feel throughout.
What about consequences if I slip? 60sec of ice cold shower (within 24hrs of noticing) AND adding another full week to these hundred days. This second part is new for me, and no I don’t like it at all. That’s kinda the point ;)
My target completion date is Friday, July 30th. I’ll be logging everything like crazy in this time, with some monthly updates posted here. Wish me luck!