Data Te Ching, ch 8

  • 30th Aug 2021
  •  • 
  • 1 min read

Just as the chef is not ready to cook with
Contaminated ingredients
The fanciest of processes are unprepared for
Dirty data

So we clean, peel, and chop
We scrub, type, and bin
As we prep so do we reduce
Condensing our possibilities
From many to few

This is exploration, yes
Working with what is at hand
But our inquiry is not open
It is targeted to an outcome

Typically, some form of
Transformational effort is then applied
Heat, acid, salt
Algorithm, calculate, anonymize
The very nature of the material is changed
Prepared for intended consumption

Once the meal exists
The Masterful Chef is only getting started
Few guests want to peer into the pot
And pull up their own meal

Presentation is yet another everything
The finessed aesthetic further focuses
The eye of the beholder, and
Primes people to appreciate
What was prepared
Just for them

Then, let them feast!
Taking this in
Savoring the experience
Telling stories for others to envy
To remember
And to repeat