How to be sick

  • 25th Oct 2019
  •  • 
  • 3 min read

This is one of those posts that I wrote for my own reference. Because sometimes I forget and need to remind myself.

1. Stop & Rest

When you're sick and you want to be well, your unconsciousness is more useful than your conscious actions. Cease all conscious action as soon as possible, and sleep it off as much as you can.

2. Don't Blame, Don't Argue.

Your body is sick for a reason. You might think you know the reason, and if so, take note and let it go. If not, it doesn't really matter if your mind was let in on the reason or not, postpone all arguments between mind and body. Also, don't argue with anyone who says you need to rest because they're right (see #1). Also, don't argue with the tea or soup or blanket or any other gifts that may spontaneously appear. Also, don't blame anyone if these gifts do not appear and you think that they should have (see #1). Basically, give up on all blame and all arguments until you are well -- and then you can take them up again! You don't have to instantly eliminate all the nasty voices in your head, they are part of who you are, you just need to delay them a bit so they don't get in the way of your body's recovery efforts. Think gently, and procrastinate on anything else. ...You do know how to procrastinate, right?

3. Keep Warm

You may already feel very warm. Your body is not very good at regulating temperature right now, so don't expect to feel comfortable (see #2). Stay as warm as you can stand, keep blankets on hand if not on you. Hot baths are good too.

4. Drink up

Water is critically important, if you're losing fluids then electrolytes are even better. Tea is also good, non-caffeinated. Alcohol may be tempting, but it is an immuno-suppressent, so unless it's in a doctor-recommended medicine, better not. Anything with sugar in it is outranked by the nearest potable water source. When you feel awful and can't hold anything down, you may not want to drink anything, see #2.

5. Chicken soup is magic

No one knows why this is, it just is. I'm vegan, but when I'm sick I have chicken soup. Preferably from bone broth with lots of garlic & ginger, though as in #4 above any is better than none.

6. Focus your energy

If you know how to meditate, do that. If you know how to ground, do that. If you can just notice and patiently relax your body, this will go easier. Stretching is okay, exercising is not. Keep your focus on your healing if you can, and if you happen to get bored and fall asleep, congrats on sticking to #1.

7. Amplify your gratitude

While you're noticing your body, give it some loving thoughts. It supports you so well that you don't have to think about it most of the time. Now is a time to be grateful for your body, and to kind to it.

With time and each of the above, this too shall pass. But best to have at least one person looking out for you in case you're not able to make good decisions or take decisive action should it be required.