Later is Now

  • 6th Apr 2022
  •  • 
  • 1 min read

I like Devo. I’ve always liked Devo. Please don’t hate me.

I grew up with Devo. I’ve believed in their philosophy of de-evolution. I’ve sung Devo songs a cappella, at Burning Man, no less!

IMHO, Devo has always been ahead of their time. Not many people know this, but a dozen years ago, Devo put the band back together and came up with a brand new album. Obviously I’m biased, but I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Here’s an extended dance remix from that album that’s been ringing in my ears a lot lately.

“Later” has arrived. Later is now. Tomorrow is a replay. Sooner or later, everybody gets it…right? D-E-V-O!