Now Archive: November 2019
_This is my Now page and here’s what’s up for me these days as of November 4th, 2019. For my current Now page, go here.
- Pivoting my primary business from making & managing learning content and delivery systems to measurement/analytics and performance optimization workflow design
- Expert Witness work for video production & platforms (such as YouTube/ContentID) and training design & delivery.
- Fine tuning my marketing strategies on the LinkedIn platform by designing & deploying campaigns to help my friends at Energy Utility Group reach their microtargeted audiences. Also creating a store on Gumroad to sell content for some other musician friends because the Vimeo store I set up for them isn’t working out anymore. Oh and building another website, store, and audible catalog for the Snap Synapse subsidiary Clear Mind Publishing as well.
- Re-launching the Doable Change community, and currently writing our manifesto.
- Performing with Project Vox, a killer new improvisational music group in the SF Bay Area (gigs coming up on December 6 & 8!!!)
- Implementing Profit First methodology everywhere I can, and learning a ton about investing, accounting, money, etc. on behalf of Optimistic Holdings PSP
- Escaping everyone else’s clouds (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, etc.) and building my own more stable and reliable infrastructure that doesn’t treat me like a product
And that's all the Now for now from me.