Now Archive: January 2020

  • 3rd Jan 2020
  •  • 
  • 2 min read

Welcome to the next decade! I hope you’ve got a powerful Vision2020 to guide you forth into this brave new world.

This is my Now page and here’s what’s shaking for me in January 2020 (as posted on January 3rd). For my current Now page, go here.

  1. Vision2020 / Doable Change = The Doable Change reboot is well underway! I’m now helping people craft their vision for the 2020 year, I’ve just launched a Daily Productivity Text, and am gathering mastermind participants for the next Weekly Strength Group. All of this is to help people live with more awareness and consciously make better choices.
  2. Hunting for Work = I stopped doing work I didn’t want to do back in September, and since then have been focusing on doing the work I do wan to do instead. Infected by my experiences in Seth Godin’s altMBA, I now only want to do work that matters for people who care. However, this work has not yet been forthcoming. I continue to seek both consulting and employee positions that inspire me forward…and I might not be able to afford to be that picky next month. If you have an Sr Instructional Design, Learning Tech / Ecosystem, or LMS implementation opportunities for me, do tell. I’m also actively seeking work that allows me to expand my data & analytics skills and exercise my workflow design chops. Thanks!
  3. Turning FOSS = The Free Open Source Software (FOSS) world has been calling my name for some time, and I am finally heeding the call! I’m learning a ton about SysAdmin in the world of Linux. I’ve gotten off everyone else’s clouds, for the most part, and am now building my own. If this is stuff you know about, please tell me! I’m doing this 100% solo so far, and I’d love to change that.

Some things I’m not doing in January include:

  • musical performances
  • speaking at conferences
  • video projects
  • livestreaming
  • traveling

I’ve got other priorities to keep me busy, and this time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere at least), there’s just not as much of these things to go around. The world around me here in the middle of nowhere in Utah is all snow and ice.

By the way, I do have my projects for this quarter all picked out already :)