Now Archive: February 2020

  • 3rd Feb 2020
  •  • 
  • 3 min read

_This is my Now page and here’s what’s shaking for me in Feburary 2020 (as posted on 02/03/2020). For my current Now page, go here.

  1. Hunting for The Best Work = I sunset all my existing clients last year and stopped accepting work I didn’t want to do. Infected by my experiences in Seth Godin’s altMBA last August, I now only want to do work that matters for people who care. Since then, I’ve been focusing on doing the work I do want to do and working with people I really want to work with instead. Though this work has not yet been forthcoming, and I’m starting to wonder if that was brave or stupid of me. So I continue to seek both consulting and employee positions that inspire me forward…and I might not be able to afford to be that picky next month. If you have an Sr Instructional Design, Learning Tech / Ecosystem, or LMS implementation opportunities for me, do tell. I’m also actively seeking work that allows me to expand my data & analytics skills and exercise my workflow design chops. Thanks!
  2. xAPI Cohort = Starting up a new xAPI profile for podcasting. Stay tuned to for info ;)
  3. Network upgrades = I’m improving my home/office network. It’s rather complex, involving several routers/hubs/switches/repeaters in two locations about a quarter-mile apart. I’m making it more stable, more secure, and hopefully more simple — we’ll see about that part! I’m also actually practicing what I preach and documenting everything for the first time.
  4. Performing = I’ll be back in the SF Bay Area to perform at Raise The Roof – A Party to Uplift & Inspire at the end of the month. My good friend Alyssa DeCaro is putting this epic event together for February 29th, and I’m stoked to be teaming up with my former SoVoSo bandmate Bryan Dyer for some two-mouth band funky grooves!

And there are other projects that sneak in around the edges, such as:

  • consulting about structural gamification for an LMS client
  • advising my neighbors about how to scale their Korean/Japanese translation business
  • serving as the acting marketing manager for an alternative energy broker in Texas
  • supporting my Mom deal with insurance/medical/legal issues from a recent car accident
  • getting my 2019 taxes done & 2020 financial structure in place
  • helping lead productivity events & communities online

And that's all my Now for today. Hope your Now is awesome!