Now Archive: April 2020
_This is my Now page and here’s what’s up for me in this, uh… perfectly normal month ofApril 2020 (as posted on 04/06/2020). For my current Now page, go here.
First off, yes I’m alright :) I’m happy to say that I’m out of quarantine for a few weeks now. Turns out I did not have anything newsworthy, just a very poorly timed but non-pandemic seasonal flu. I was in self-quarantine because there were no tests available at the time and I wanted to play it safe on behalf of my more vulnerable loved ones. My popular blog posts here and here describe my exciting adventures in containment.
I live in a beautiful place between a state park and a national forest in the middle of Utah that’s pretty isolated. Basically the kind of place that everyone else wishes they were right now. We are way more prepared than most, and will be just fine distancing ourselves here indefinitely.
What am I doing from here? Trying to make ends meet. Here’s what I’m focused on this month:
- Director of Marketing for Energy Utility Group an energy broker startup in Austin. This month I’m migrating their website to a new platform and launching an exciting new business channel.
- Content Developer & Strategist for Lance Allred, TEDx star & author (also the first deaf player in NBA history). This month I’m creating & launching his new courses and webinars and website enhancements to accompany his newest book The New Alpha Male: How To Win the Game When the Rules are Changing
- Writer & Consultant for Cox eLearning Consultants, providing marketing content & strategy to learning & edtech companies. I’m writing blog posts, providing marketing strategy, and advising an LMS company on structural gamification.
- Business Consultant for Masaca Translations one of the world’s premiere Korean & Japanese translation companies. I’m helping them reconstruct their business model and internal workflows for scale.
- President of Clear Mind Publishing, a boutique publishing company that my business (Snap Synapse LLC) purchased a few years back. We have a small and largely ignored catalog that I’m finally getting around to modernizing this month (I hope!).
Music-wise, I’ve been holding off on livestreaming anything so far, but I’ll give in this month I’m sure. Probably going live at the last minute on my personal Facebook page or something. Oh and I’m teaching live looping classes on Lessonface now so if you’re musically inclined and on lockdown, you should totally check out this great way to play on your own and become a better musician in the process.
...And scene!