Now Archive: June 2021
This is my Now page and here’s what’s up for me in June (as posted on 06/02/21). For my current Now page, go here.
All is fine for me these days. Still working too hard, but also really making the most of time spent in between. It’s early summer here, and my 100 Days of Health has me out and enjoying nature and great food as I’m getting back in shape. It’s so simple yet makes such a big difference in how I feel.
When I’m not in front of a computer, you can usually find me in the greenhouse or the kitchen or going for a walk around the lake. Usually while listening to music or an interesting audiobook. I’m not making much music these days, though I do play my knockoff-hang for a few minutes every evening or some other meditative percussion.
Over the holiday weekend, I spent a bit of time examining and updating my plans. I’ll write about that more soon. But for now, I’m surprisingly okay with being more isolated and more boring than ever before. Who’da thunk?
So that’s all my Now for now! Hope all is well with you now too :)