Now Archive: August 2021

  • 2nd Aug 2021
  •  • 
  • 3 min read

This is my Now page and here’s what’s up for me these days (as posted on 08/02/21). For my current Now page, go here.

I’m just back from traveling to visit family for the first time since the Pandemic set in. Driving through Utah, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon reminded me just how much I enjoy and have missed road trips for the last 2-years or so. Even though most of the trip was choked with smoke from all the fires, it was good to get moving and be in different climates for a change.

Of course it was great to see my mom, brother, aunts, and cousins too. Though we used to gather once a year, this was our first time coming together again since my grandfather passed several years ago. Everyone was on their best behavior, and I think we all had a lovely time. I was so grateful to be able to make it!

If you noticed a pause in my usual 2-3 x per week posting schedule here, that’s why. But that was July, this post is for August…

In the next week I deliver on an LMS integration project that I’ve been working on for over a year. So…I still work way too much, for the moment. Meetings at all hours for this global company, etc. I do have a new job req opening up soon, and many of my efforts are really gaining traction, so I’m hopeful that I can pull back on the hours soon.

I’ll be out in the world a bit at the end of the month with my first L&D Conference since all this global silliness went down. It turns out ATD’s International Conference & Expo is coming to Salt Lake City, and so is my manager, and we’re speaking together about developing a learning culture. Outta be fun.

The greenhouse is going well, made some recent changes to automate it while I was traveling. Nothing died, and the peppers and tomatoes are really coming in now. I’ve been enjoying making my own vegan pesto from the 7 different kinds of basil I’ve planted. I should probably post some pictures soon.

There new internet upgrades I just made are holding up great, I’m happy to say. With the new 5Ghz point-to-point wifi clocking in at 20mb/s speeds both up and down now, we might even be able to do some high-bandwidth VR streaming finally. I look forward to testing that. Got a NAS and backup NAS on both ends now, so after 3-years of uncertainty, I’m nearly completely backed up again. I think. Few more steps to confirm.

All in all, it’s hot, it’s smoky, and I’m doing alright here in the middle of Utah still. So that’s me for now!