Now Archive: February 2022
This is my Now page for February 2nd 2022. For my current Now page, go here.
- Mom Estate Stuff
This month I’m making two 3-day trips to [my Mom’s house](https://sam- to clean up, pack up, and dispose of her every earthly possession. Good times. Fortunately my brother, my aunt, and my love are helping me through this. We’re going to have a celebration of her life on what would have been her 72nd birthday (April 30,
- in Silverton, Oregon. When I get too mired in the details of this time, I focus on that one.
Finishing Ground School & Getting into the Air
[I’m going for my Private Pilots License.]( groundschool) This month sees the conclusion of my weekly classes in the hangar, and gets me in the pilot’s seat — with my flight instructor of course! Putting what you’ve learned into practice always exposes how much there is left to learn, so here’s to that :) -
Building an Aviation Business
The only way I’m able to afford to become a pilot is that my flight instructor is willing to do some work trade. It just so happens that he is looking to build his business, and I happen to know more than anyone else around about how to do that. I’ve already been giving him some consulting advice and making minor corrections on his website, but I’m also going to build out his entire business infrastructure and create a YouTube channel for him, and shoot and edit a bunch of videos. I am still paying $140/hr hard costs for the plane, but we’re trading time for the flight instruction for Denise and I. -
With the passing of my Mom, my work family has been super supportive of me. Our little team gets along great and accomplishes a ton together. And we genuinely like each other too, which helps! It’s a rare and precious thing that we have built such a high-functioning team (especially in a relatively low-functioning organization) and we all recognize it. It feels like we’re finally getting somewhere with a lot of the things we’ve been working together towards in the last year, when we basically started over re-inventing our department function. -
Now is not the best time to build new habits, but it’s the most important time to put them to good use. I’m trying to reinforce and double-down on the things that ground me, keep me healthy, and make me nice to be around. I’ve not felt grounded or healthy or very friendly lately. Though I’m not doing anything vocal much anymore, all my other [personal calibrations](https://sam- really do help.
That's enough Now for now. Later!